International messenger among families with children!

«People Chain Messenger» | International smart messenger for families with children!

We are creating a society
of psychologically adult people!
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«People Chain Messenger» | International smart messenger for families with children!

The best solution for a person's self-realization in life

A smart messenger for communicating with psychologically adult people, in which your children will be able to realize themselves in life!

«People Chain Messenger» — an international messenger built into smart networks, in which families with children, as well as everyone, learn to communicate without insults in the course of everyday life and fight against the child's psyche in adults, teenagers and children in order to create an environment of truly adult people in terms of their worldview, thanks to which each child can focus on revealing their natural potential for further self-realization in life!

Messenger integration on the example of a smart social media «»

Smart Messenger

The messenge is available exclusively to users within all communication services developed for more than 70 ethnic groups around the world using the «Сonflict-free thinking™» Technology.

IMPORTANT! For communication between people from different ethnic groups, activation of access in the messenger will happen automatically after one year of using the system of colored blocksigns.

IMPORTANT! A person will not communicate with representatives of other nations until he/she learns not to insult other people!

Smart social media

Global social network, developed as well as other 71 ethnic resources on technology «Conflict-free thinking™», whose task is to preserve strong and long-lasting relationships, preservation of cultural traditions, national languages and identity!

Reliable dating

Dating service in which young people, with the aim of not just to get acquainted, but to create a strong family, strive to become truly adult people in their worldview!

Secure shopping

An ad service available to people you trust!

Colored Blocksigns System

People Chain Messenger and every Smart Social Media has an integrated the «Conflict-free thinking™» Colored Blocksign System, which allows people in the process of a casual conversation to learn to the communication without insults and to fight against the child`s psyche in adults, teenagers and children in order to create an environment of truly adult people!

Featured Communities

Smart social media for American Community!

Smart social media for English Community!

Smart social media for Australian Community!

Smart social media for French Community!

Smart social media for Russian Community!

Smart social media for Ukrainian Community!

Smart social media for Polish Community!

Smart social media for Italian Community!

Smart social media for Han Chinese Community!

Smart social media for Japanese Community!

Smart social media for German Community!

Smart social media for Spanish Community!

More communities around the globe

Smart social media for
Global Middle Class

 A global social network for the purposeful people who carry reputation risks, manage their destiny and make decisions.

Here business owners and their families, representatives of highly paid professions, people with economic independence, making society stable!

Smart social media for American Community.

Americans US - heterogeneous nation with diverse racial composition. In the US there are more than 320 million Americans. 

Smartnet «» — a multifunctional social media in which families with children, as well as everyone, in addition to safe communication and acquaintance among people faithful and loyal to American culture, in the process of everyday life learn to the communication without insults and fight against signs of the child's psyche in adults, teenagers and children.

The goal is to create inside the smartnet an environment of psychologically adult people in the worldview, under the influence and depending on which every child will be able to focus on revealing their natural potential for the purpose of further self-realization in life.

Smart social media for Indian Community.

In the territory of India is home to 1,293 billion people. The Indian Diaspora outside of India has over 25 million Indians and their descendants.

Smart social media for Jewish Community.

The Jewish community Israel has more than 8.5 million people. The Jewish diaspora is considered the seventh in the world in number. Outside of Israel, home to more than 8 million Jews and their descendants.

Smart social media for Russian Community.
«» — online services, in which families with children, as well as everyone who wants to, in addition to safe communication and acquaintance in their ethnic group among the people faithful and loyal to the Russian culture, in the process of everyday life, are learn to the communication without insults and fight against child and teenage psyche in adults in order to create an environment of truly adults in the worldview of people, thanks to which every child will be able to focus on discovering of its natural potential for further self-realization in life!

All that you get with
«People Chain Messenger»

1. Smart social network

Smart social network, developed as well as other 71 ethnic resources on «Conflict-free thinking™» Technology, whose task is to preserve strong and long-lasting relationships, preservation of cultural traditions, national languages and identity.

2. Dating service

Dating service, where you can meet a truly adult person to create a strong family and long-term relationships.

3. Free secure online bulletin board

Free secure online marketplace where you can buy and sell, rent or lease real estate, find a job etc.. The barrier of entry to the service on the basis of a small subscription fee filters out anonymous users, which ensures the security of trade transactions.

4. No anonymous users

A reasonable subscription fee is the entry threshold for serious people, for whom it is important to be surrounded by truly adult people, and the fee is also a barrier to entry to each of the resources of anonymous users with bad intentions!

5. Conflict-free thinking™

how it works

     Unconscious insults are the cause of most conflicts in human relationships. In the process of communication people do not realize that offend others! In turn, this leads to retaliatory insults, all sorts of grievances, serious domestic conflicts or even a break in relations.

     With the help of a specially developed system of colored blocksigns «Сonflict-free thinking™» users through communication within one of the means of communication, developing skills of conflict-free thinking, instead of retaliatory insults put each other colored blocksigns.

     In the process of using the system, speaking among themselves the causes of conflicts, users understand and assimilate the various concepts of insults (a little more than 20), as well as whether they are primary and unconscious, or retaliatory. As a result, discussing the exhibited blocksigns, users form a worldview based on conflict-free thinking that can prevent conflicts, which in turn will protect against serious mistakes! Many people may be skeptical about conflict-free of people. Skeptical people will argue about the impossibility of avoiding conflict. But there are small quarrels that do not leave negative in the soul of a person, and it happens that they change fate!

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6. Online protection against:

• cyberbullying;
• domestic violence;
• online fraud;
• fake news & fake accounts;
• recruitment to terrorist organizations, totalitarian sects and destructive cults.

Prevention of inter-ethnic conflicts in the adolescent environment!

7. An environment where people learn to listen and hear each other!

The color blocksigns system «Сonflict-free thinking™» also helps fight against child and teenage psyche in adults and children! In order for your child to mature, firstly, it is necessary to fight against his child's psyche from an early age, and secondly, it is necessary that your child is not surrounded by adults with a child's psyche!

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«People Chain Messenger» invites you to create an environment of truly adults in the worldview of people, thanks to which every child can focus on discovering their strengths for further self-realization in life!